Diana Picasso
In 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen. Turned in his direction by a friend, Pablo Picasso somehow found his way onto the police’s list of suspects. Today the father of modern art has the dubious honor of having had the most paintings stolen – 1147 have gone missing at some point, even being burgled from the house of his granddaughter Diana. A well-known art historian and expert specialized in Old Masters and Modern Art, Diana Widmaier Picasso is the author of several books and is currently preparing a catalogue raisonné of Picasso’s sculptures. She is frequently consulted by major auction houses such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s. This Fall, she is co-curating a large exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, “Picasso.mania”(http://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/evenement/picassomania ). This is not a collection or retrospective. Examining the interaction contemporary artists – particularly those post-1960 – have had with the celebrated artist, the exhibition looks at how he inspired generations of artists across a range of mediums, featuring works by Lichtenstein, Erro, Warhol, Jasper Johns and Kippenberger, as well as Picasso himself.
1911年,《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》被盗。因被朋友告发,巴勃罗·毕加索成为被警方追击的嫌疑人。而如今,现代艺术之父毕加索的被盗作品更是数目庞大,竟有1147幅作品遗失,就连他的孙女戴安娜·毕加索关于他的藏品也遭到了偷窃。戴安娜·温德米尔是一位著名的艺术史学家,通晓早期绘画大师的事迹和现代艺术。同时她还是一名作家,撰写过好几本书,目前,她正在筹备毕加索雕塑展览的作品目录。苏富比和佳士得等多家拍卖行曾数次向戴安娜·毕加索咨询相关事宜。今年10月份,戴安娜·毕加索将在巴黎大皇宫策划一场大型展览“Picasso. Mania“(http://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/evenement/picassomania )。这不是毕加索的作品展也不是他的回顾展,而是一场20世纪60年代后的当代艺术家与现代知名艺术家的交流盛宴。“Picasso. Mania“展览将向公众呈现毕加索是如何鼓舞和影响一代又一代艺术家的故事,参观者将会在展览中欣赏到利希滕斯坦、埃罗、沃霍尔、贾斯培·琼斯、基彭伯格的作品,当然也少不了艺术巨匠毕加索的真迹。