Get Ready for More Gucci Art

The new life of Images by Spanish artist Ignasi Monreal in #GucciHallucination campaign. 

In December the Italian fashion house unveiled its Spring-Summer 2018 campaign, made in collaboration with Spanish artist Ignasi Monreal. We’ve seen everything from dinosaurs to UFOs and flamingos in previous Gucci’s ads, but for the Spring-Summer 2018 campaign, Gucci swapped traditional glossy photographs for surrealist digital paintings by Ignasi Monreal. The artist took inspiration from painters of the Renaissance, filling the pictures with lots of cultural references too.

Now, the brand takes the promo a step further with #GucciHallucination campaign. Gucci debuted the SS2018 video in early February, letting us have a closer look at Ignasi Monreal, the artist behind the camping. In addition, the brand unveiled two mural works featuring the images of the campaign, inspired by neoclassical 18th century portraits. The Gucci Art Wall murals in Soho’s Lafayette Street and in Milan’s Largo la Foppa featured designs from the new collection by Alessandro Michele. Get ready for more surprises from Gucci—Spring is in the air!


西班牙艺术家Ignasi Monreal在#GucciHallucination活动中的新形象。

去年12月,这家意大利时装公司推出了与西班牙艺术家Ignasi Monreal合作的2018年春夏系列联名活动。在古驰之前的广告中,我们看到了恐龙,飞碟和火烈鸟等所有东西,但在2018年春夏的广告中,古驰将传统的光滑照片换成了Ignasi Monreal的超现实主义数字绘画。这位艺术家从文艺复兴时期的画家那里获得了灵感,在画作中也加入了许多文化元素。

现在,该品牌通过#GucciHallucination活动进一步推进了促销活动。Gucci在2月初发布了2018春夏系列的视频,让我们可以更仔细地了解此次活动背后的艺术家Ignasi Monreal。此外,该品牌还推出了两幅以18世纪新古典主义肖像为灵感的壁画作品。纽约Soho拉斐特街的古驰艺术墙壁画和米兰的Largo la Foppa展出了Alessandro Michele的新作品。准备好迎接来自古驰的更多惊喜—空气中弥漫着春天的气息!

The Maker