Nathalie Perakis
Photo courtesy of Nathalie Perakis
Nathalie Perakis-Velat(also known by her Chinese name Bei Ling Yue), a Paris born photographer has traveled to many different countries and moved to Shanghai in 2010. Nathalie captures the residents of a city full of contrasts, highlighting anthropological changes of modern China. Adding digital manipulation, the artist definitely brings unique visual expression to the viewer.
Q:What are your general impressions of Shanghai, China?
A:Shanghai is a city full of energy. It reminds me of New York where I lived for a few years as a child and then in the early 2000’s. You have the feeling that everything is possible.
It is also a city full of contrasts. Symbol of a successful China, Shanghai is a combination of modernity and tradition, of authenticity and kitsch, of fantastic wealth and extreme misery,… perpetually changing at a frantic pace.
Q:How does it influence your photography work?
A:When I first moved to Shanghai in 2010, after living in different European countries and in the US, I had a cultural and emotional shock. This city has changed my life.
I love to spend hours walking around with my camera, capturing places, faces and situations that deeply move me. I try to understand the Chinese’s lives and culture.
Q:Where do you find inspiration?
A:Shanghai has given me fantastic inspiration and the gallery Art+Shanghai has trusted me from the beginning.
My first series ? Real Shanghai ? is the expression of a very strong impression about Shanghai when I first discovered the city. To me it clearly appeared to be a place full of real people living in an unreal environment.
The digital work helped me emphasize this vision. Thanks to collage and colour enhancement, the irreality became more obvious. When looking at my "Real Shanghai" pictures, people should be wondering what is real and what isn’t…
Chinese culture inspired my second series ? Natural Fireworks ?. By becoming more familiar with Chinese art, I realized the importance of nature in local art. I was also fascinated by the fireworks that are set off in many occasions. By playing with nature and light, I created these natural fireworks.
After this series, I felt the need to go back to the heart of the city. One day, as I was walking in a lilong on a sunny day, my eye was caught by an old awning, torn and worn. It looked beautiful to me. I took many photos of the fabric bearing the signs of time going by and then went back home to download them on my computer and check how the pictures looked.
I was very pleased and excited. I realized that there is beauty everywhere. It is all a matter of how you look at things. So I then went on a treasure hunt all around Shanghai looking for more awnings. Different colors, patterns, materials,… A new series was born !
Once I had put my series together, I felt that something was missing. Looking over and over at my photos, I noticed the cracks, the tear and wear of the awnings. And I suddenly realized that there was much more beyond them : the culture, soul and lives of the inhabitants. So I decided to go back to the neighborhoods and interview people about China, their lives, their culture.
Now I am working on a new and exciting project. It is a bit early to talk about it, but I can tell you that it does have a link with my previous works, relating to the evolution of the city and the human aspects of these changes.
And I am participating in a group show in January at MD Gallery on “Drawing”. One of my works relates to water calligraphy.
Q:How would you describe your lifestyle?
A:I would say that I have a positive, curious and healthy lifestyle.
I am a big fan of swimming. In the water, I release all the tensions and see things more clearly. Ideas often pop into my mind. I also enjoy yoga very much.
Culturally speaking, I love to go to museums and art galleries. Power Station of Art, Rockbund Museum, Yuz Museum, SCOP, Art+Shanghai gallery, MD gallery, ArtCN gallery, Beaugeste gallery, M97,… just to name a few of my favorites.
I also enjoy Shanghai’s nightlife and all the great dining options. Bund 3 is one of my favorites and especially Unico, where you can enjoy chef Mauro Colagreco’s fantastic cuisine and hang out for drinks and live music.
Nathalie Perakis-Velat(她的中文名为贝灵悦),出生于巴黎的摄影师曾去过很多不同的国家,并于2010年定居在上海。Nathalie捕捉到这座城市的居民充满对比,彰显着现代中国人类学的各种变化。数字化处理的添加,这位艺术家毫无疑问的给观众带来了独特的视觉表达。
我也很喜欢上海的夜生活和所有很棒的餐饮场所。外滩3号是我的最爱之一,尤其是Unico,在那里你可以享用到大厨Mauro Colagreco梦幻般的美食,喝着饮料听着现场音乐在四周逛一逛。