Reconsidering Plastic in Design

Amidst plastic's currently infamous reputation, Royal College of Art graduate Jie Wu seeks to reconsider this material and elevate its value

Exploring our relationship with natural and manmade materials, Jie started a project called Living in the Anthropocene. The designer's quest for material representation resulted in 17 miniature storage boxes with colorful marble-like patterns, made of resin and wood.  Watching her father working with antiques with such care and respect, Jie Wu set an ambitious goal for her creative practice--to elevate our perceptions of synthetic materials and its potential. 

The containers by Jie Wu will be showcased alongside the work of emerging designers at the Decorex trade show during London Design Festival.

在塑料目前臭名昭著的名声中,皇家艺术学院的毕业生Jie Wu试图重新考虑这种材料并提升其价值

在探索与自然和人造材料的关系时,Jie启动了一个名为Living in the Anthropocene的项目。设计师对材料表现的追求最终产生了17个微型储物盒,其中包括由树脂和木材制成的彩色大理石图案。耳濡目染其父亲如此细心和尊重从事古董工作,Jie Wu为她的创作实践设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标——提升我们对合成材料的认知及对其潜力的看法。

在伦敦设计节(London Design Festival)期间,Jie Wu设计的器皿将与新兴设计师的作品一同在Decorex贸易展上展出。

The Maker