Salone del Mobile Shanghai
Unlike the fashion world, there’s only one ‘season’ in furniture world—and for most brands it begins with the Salone del Mobile exhibition. The fair is one of the busiest times in global design calendar, when all the most innovative and most exclusive offerings in furniture and design are exhibited. And now the Salone del Mobile is preparing to make its Chinese debut in Shanghai from 19 to 21 November 2016.
Since 1961, the Salone grew beyond being culturally ambitious furniture fair into the platform for innovation and essential location for networking and business. The first Chinese edition of the fair will be held in Shanghai Exhibition Centre, a prestigious venue in the heart of the city, a home for the top level cultural and art happenings. In addition to exhibiting state-of-the-art, visually seductive products, the fair will also include master classes on architecture and design, and areas dedicated to the Italian lifestyle brought closer to the Chinese market. The event will also feature SaloneSatelite, offering young designers under 35 a prime opportunity to make their mark at international level. Save the dates and be sure not to miss this celebration of the best Italian design.
与时装界不同,家居品牌的展览只有每年一次。对于大多数品牌来说,每一年的展览从Salone del Mobile 开始。每年展览开展的时候,都是全世界家居设计领域最忙碌的日子,几乎所有力求标新立异、不断创新的品牌都会参展。今年11月19日至21日,这场家具展也打算着在上海开展,作为正式打入中国市场的标志性的一步。
自1961年以来,Salone 不断发展,以挖掘适用于不同的网络和市场的家具产品。展览在中国市场的第一次展出将选址在上海展览中心,也是上海创新及文化展览的中心地带。除了展览让人眼前一亮的各色产品,展会还推出了不同的大师班,把意大利纯正的生活方式及设计理念带给中国市场。本次活动还将给35岁以下的设计师一个优先权,鼓励他们在国际化的平台上展现自己的才华。如果你想亲眼目睹这场地道的设计盛宴,千万不要错过哦!