In Search of Gender Equality: Cannes Film Festival
Female filmmakers on the red carpet in protest of the lack of female filmmakers honored throughout the history of the festival. Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
Cannes film festival unveiled equality charter, a pledge which is likely to be adopted by other leading international film festivals.
As Vogue put it: “At Cannes, women claim the headlines”— this year, gender equality is a rising topic across industries, and at Cannes resonating. One of the biggest stories of the festival is jury president Cate Blanchett leading women’s silent march to underscore the need for more women in the film industry, and point out how badly women have been represented in Cannes. Compared to 1,688 male directors, only 82 female directors have been in competition in Cannes’s 71-years history.
Another story broke out this Monday—Cannes film festival will record the gender of the cast and crew of all films submitted, make public the names of selection committee members and work towards gender parity on the Cannes board under new gender parity charter. It’s a good starting point, especially, if other international film festivals will follow Cannes’s lead, but a terrible place to stop. In words of Kate Kinninmont, chief executive of Women in Film&TvV: “The wider film industry needs to do more to increase the number of women working within it”.
Haifaa al-Mansour, Kirsten Stewart, Lea Seydoux and filmmakers walk the red carpet in protest of the lack of female filmmakers honored throughout the history of the festival. Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images
正如时尚杂志Vogue所说:“在戛纳,女性占据了头条新闻”——今年,性别平等在各行各业都是一个热门话题,并且在戛纳电影节上也引起了共鸣。本届电影节最大的故事之一是评审团主席Cate Blanchett领导女性的无声游行,强调电影业需要更多的女性,并指出戛纳女性的代表人数偏差严重。与1688名男性导演相比,在戛纳71年的历史中,只有82位女性导演入围。
本周一发生的另一件事——戛纳电影节将记录提交的所有影片的演员和工作人员的性别,公开甄选的委员会成员的姓名,并在戛纳董事会上根据新的性别平等宪章争取实现性别平等。 这是一个很好的起点,尤其是如果其他国际电影节跟着着戛纳电影节的脚步的话。 用Film&TvV女性首席执行官Kate Kinninmont的话说:“更广泛的电影行业需要做的更多,以增加在其中工作的女性人数”。
Jury head Cate Blanchett and director Agnes Varda reads a statement on the steps of the red carpet in protest of the lack of female filmmakers honored throughout the history of the festival. Photo by Antony Jones/Getty Images