Nine Original TV Series You’ll Want to See Soon

Nathan Pesina, Hilary Bettis, Josh Kirby, Jonathan Veles

Nathan Pesina, Hilary Bettis, Josh Kirby, Jonathan Veles

Thanks to the Sundance Institute support, twelve fellows and nine new television pilots will have a chance to find their viewer.

With topics and formats ranging from half-hour comedies to historical dramas— this year’s Sundance Episodic Lab projects continues to testify to the Institute’s commitment to diversity and long-term support of the episodic format. The Lab will gather fellows and mentors from September 27th through October 2nd at the Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah. The twelve selected fellows will develop their series and pilot scripts in individual and group creative meetings, writers’ rooms, pitch sessions, and other activities. Creative advisors and mentors this year include Corinne Brinkerhoff, Kat Candler, Daniel Chun, Charles Eglee, Daniese Davis, Dante Di Loreto, Susie Fitzgerald among others. Quite possibly, your new favorite TV series will be shaping up in Utah this autumn.

Tanuj Chopra, Meera Menon, Elena Crevello, Wei Ling Chang

Tanuj Chopra, Meera Menon, Elena Crevello, Wei Ling Chang

感谢圣丹斯协会(Sundance Institute)的支持,十二名伙伴和九部电视系列剧集将有机会找到他们的观众。

从半小时喜剧到历史剧的主题和形式,今年的圣丹斯Episodic Lab项目继续证明了该协会对多样化的承诺和对情节形式的长期支持。该研究室将于9月27日至10月2日在犹他州圣丹斯山度假村(Sundance Mountain Resort)召集伙伴和导师。选出的十二个人将在个人和小组创意会议、编剧室、交流会议和其他活动中开始他们的系列和剧情脚本。今年的创意顾问和导师包括Corinne Brinkerhoff、Kat Candler、Daniel Chun、Charles Eglee、Daniese Davis、Dante Di Loreto以及Susie Fitzgerald等人。很有可能你今年最喜欢的电视剧会在犹他州成形。

Mel Jones, Mel Jones, Mary Angélica Molina, Lindsay Golder

Mel Jones, Mel Jones, Mary Angélica Molina, Lindsay Golder

The Maker