Social Justice Filmmaker Receives Sundance Fellowship

Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers received Sundance Institute 2018 Merata Mita Fellowship for Indigenous Artist.

Vancouver filmmaker, writer and actor was awarded cash grant and provided a year-long support with activities, including mentorship opportunities and access to Sundance Institute artist programs. For the third consecutive year, the Institute awarded a fellowship named in honor of the late Maori filmmaker Merata Mira. 

Tailfeathers’s award-winning works are often community-focused and rooted in social justice. She most recently directed a feature-length documentary cesnaʔem: the city before the city, and is currently directing a feature-length dockentaru about the opiate crisis in her home community.


Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers收到了圣丹斯学院2018年美拉塔·米塔土著艺术家研究金。

温哥华的电影制作人、作家和演员获得了现金补助,并且获得提供一年的支持活动,包括辅导机会和进入圣丹斯学院艺术家计划。该研究所连续第三年颁发奖学金,以表彰已故毛利电影制作人Merata Mira。


The Maker