Chamber Music at Its Finest and for Free
Cho-Liang Lin 林昭亮
Violin 小提琴
Photo courtesy of Premiere Performances
Premiere Performances will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a gift for Hong Kong - a free concert on September 24th.
The main recital presenter of Hong Kong, Premiere Performances has had a real impact on the cultural life of the city. Over 10 years, the company organized 50 recitals, launched an international chamber music festival, and organized a principal live music program in schools to name a few achievements.
The concert, celebrating the 10th anniversary will feature violinists Ning Feng, Cho-Liang Lin, pianist Sa Chen, cellist Li-Wei Qin among the musicians, who will perform solo and in small ensembles. Registration for the event begins on August 17th through the official website of Premiere Performances.
Sa Chen 陳薩
Piano 鋼琴
Photo courtesy of Premiere Performances
Premiere Performances 将庆祝其第十个周年纪念日,并于9月24日献礼香港 - 一场免费音乐会。
香港主要的表演嘉宾,Premiere Performances 对这座城市的文化生活有着实实在在的影响。超过10年,该公司组织了50场表演,举办了一个国际会议厅音乐节,并组织了一个主要的现场音乐项目。这些只是其成就中的一部分。
为纪念其十周年,该场音乐会将邀请小提琴家宁峰,小提琴家林昭亮,钢琴家陈萨,大提琴家秦立巍,以及其他音乐家。他们将分别进行个人独奏表演和集体合作演奏。8月17日起开始可以在 Premiere Performances 的网站注册预定座位。
Ning Feng 寧峰
Violin 小提琴
Photo courtesy of Premiere Performances
Li-Wei Qin 秦立巍
Cello 大提琴
Photo courtesy of Premiere Performances
DaXun Zhang 張達尋
Double Bass 低音大提琴
Photo courtesy of Premiere Performances