Vhils @HOCA Foundation


Walk straight into the art, in a city, transformed to an urban gallery: urban artistic movement has gained a lot of momentum recently, and there is one name that certainly stands out. Portuguese artist Alexandre Farto, going by name Vhils uses unique technics and forms of expression, leaving his marks on the streets of global cities. His newest collection of work named “Debris”, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, unveiled on March 22 and will last until April 4.

In association with HOCA (Hong Kong Contemporary Art Foundation), Vhils tells a story of the city’s rich culture and history, reflecting about Hong Kong’s identity. HOCA has chosen iconic sites across the city for the exhibition, including a ferry pier and a moving tram to become a canvas for Vhils’s artistic reflection on the nature of the urban environment. Utilizing a variety of technics such as carving, drilling, billboard collages, neon light boxes, and sculpture to present an immersive contemporary art experience, accessible for everyone.

当你走入一种艺术的空间,展现在你眼前的是一个城市的缩影,这样的城市艺术近来非常受欢迎。葡萄牙艺术家Alexandre Farto(以Vhils为艺名)的展览运用了独特的工艺及表达方式,将全世界每个城市的大街小巷都定格了下来。他的以‘碎片’(Debris)命名的最新作品展,同时也是他的首次个展,近来在香港开幕,从3月22日持续到4月4日。

Vhils,在与HOCA(香港当代艺术基金会)的合作下向世界展现了香港,这座城市丰厚的文化底蕴和历史演变。HOCA选择了香港的标志性遗址作为展览选址,轮渡码头和有轨电车反映了Vhils 对于这个城市的艺术构想。同时也运用了各种工艺,例如雕刻、钻孔、广告牌拼贴、霓虹灯箱和雕塑等让大家犹如身临其境般充分体验香港这个城市的艺术之美。

The Maker