La Veranda : Beauty On A Plate

Photo courtesy of La Veranda

Photo courtesy of La Veranda

Versailles, a magical place with Chateaus, a Palace, and picturesque sceneries sets the mood for a most unforgettable dining experience. Tucked away in Versailles lies La Veranda by Gordon Ramsay at the Waldorf Hotel. This beautifully decorated white and black restaurant compliments its surroundings and the beautiful dishes coming out of its kitchen. Michelin Starred Chef Ramsay combines fine French cuisine with local fruits and vegetables elevating them to a whole different level.

Michelin Starred Chef Ramsay, Photo courtesy of La Veranda

Michelin Starred Chef Ramsay, Photo courtesy of La Veranda

Traditional recipes played with modern techniques brings you dishes such as: "Pressed foie gras with poached pear and a touch of apple and pear chutney", "Pineapple Carpaccio with yuzu and fresh herbs" and "Roasted Duck breast with celery puree accompanied by rosemary and honey tendered parsnips". Remember to charge your camera, as La Veranda's dishes will capture your attention with a new interpretation of picturesque this time on your plate. Be sure to ask one of their in-house Sommeliers for suggestions on wine pairings with your meal. With wines ranging from 2014 to 1995 Bordeaux, there will be a choice for everyone. 

Photo courtesy of La Veranda

Photo courtesy of La Veranda

La Veranda captures any diners attention with its plating, taste, and surroundings, not to mention its affordable prices. If you happen to be in Versailles in the Summer or Spring, be sure to ask for a table next to one of their windows, or better yet outside on their terrace. A meal here will be one to remember and one where your pictures will do all the talking.  La Veranda is truly one not to be missed.

La Veranda

La Veranda

在集酒庄、宫殿及如画般风景的凡尔赛宫用餐,一定是一个难忘的经历。在凡尔赛不远处的华尔道夫酒店 (Waldorf Hotel) ,有一家餐厅叫La Veranda。这一家餐厅,以黑白色系装潢,装饰精美,除了环境之外,每一道精美的菜肴也是不容错过的。米其林星级厨师Ramsay 以地道的法式手法,将当地的食材烹调出别样的精致。

Chilled tomato with grapefruit and strawberry, lemon sour light cream

Chilled tomato with grapefruit and strawberry, lemon sour light cream

先进的技术和传统的食谱相结合,带给你不一样的感受,比如这道‘压制鹅肝配水煮梨及酸辣酱’或是‘菠萝卡尔帕乔配香草’,亦或是‘迷迭香蜂蜜烤鸭胸’。去La Veranda餐厅用餐前记得给手机充满电,因为那些风景如画的菜肴,一定会吸引你的眼球。同时也要记得询问酒店里的侍酒师,为你的菜肴配一杯绝美的红酒。酒庄藏有1995到2014年的波尔多红酒,一定有一款适合你。

La Veranda

La Veranda

La Veranda以出色的摆盘设计、口味及环境吸引着顾客,当然价格也并不昂贵。如果你恰巧在夏天或春天来到凡尔赛,记得要找一张窗边的位子坐下,或者坐在外面的露台上。在这样的地方吃一餐饭,一定是一段非常好的记忆。La Veranda 餐厅,你不容错过!

Asparagus from « Malemort », organic soft-boiled egg, coriander French dressing

Asparagus from « Malemort », organic soft-boiled egg, coriander French dressing

Global Intuition