Museum Ferragamo

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Over the centuries, Medieval palace Palazzo Spini Feroni has sure seen a lot, changed hands several times and it's ancient walls could've shared quite a few sizzling stories. After private ownerships of wealthy families, it even played host to the Florence City Council, and now it celebrates design, fashion, and art. Since 1938, it became Salvatore Ferragamo's store and workshop, a home to his masterpiece creations and later a tribute to the genius, who brought outstanding fame to Italian fashion. 

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Salvatore Ferragamo is a name, pronounced in the fashion world with admiration. He gave the world some of the most striking and innovative footwear designs of the twentieth century and a quality standard uncompromising with mechanics of fast production. This designer dedicated his life to the quest for the perfect fit, which could combine gorgeous style and comfort. With countless patented technologies, Salvatore Ferragamo reinvented the way shoes should look and feel, establishing the reputation of footwear fit for the international diplomacy, nobility and the glamorous cinema world. 

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The displays of the Museo Ferragamo take you through the designer’s life and career, from his first footwear creations up to the last designs made in 1960, the year of his death. The shoes, all works of refined craftsmanship, are chosen on a rotation basis, changing every two years according to specific themes. You may see the iconic rainbow stiletto pumps, made for Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn’s ballerina pump or the famous ‘invisible sandal’ that won the Neiman Marcus award, the Oscar of the fashion world—either way you won’t leave the exhibition disappointed. In addition, museum holds an array of vintage items: sketches, books, wooden lasts of various famous feet, advertising campaigns posters and many other things that give you a glimpse of this great Italian entrepreneur’s mind. 

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Palazzo Spini Feroni was restored in 2000 and now also arranges exhibitions, the finest arts and culture events, proudly showing antique and contemporary masterpieces. The recent exhibition ‘A Palace and the City’ endeavors to tell the complex history of the building, which symbolizes the Florentine heritage. The exhibition encompasses a number of prestigious artworks that guide the storytelling through the centuries starting with Middle Age and many roles the palace played. Palazzo Spini Feroni invites you to get lost for a couple of hours, breathing in the beauty that nurtured the talent of legendary designer. 

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千百年来,费罗尼·斯皮尼大宅这座中世纪的建筑在几经转手的过程中见证了许多,大宅子外那古老的城墙,一定历经了太多太多。被富裕家庭占为私家财产后,这座宅子甚至一度主办过佛罗伦萨市议会,而现在的它正见证着设计、时尚和艺术。自1938年以来,大宅成为了菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo)的商品店及工作坊,创造了许多杰作,并成就了这个在意大利时尚界大有名气的巨头。

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菲拉格慕博物馆可以带你领略这一位设计师的毕生设计生涯。馆内展示了他第一次设计的鞋款,直到1960年他去世之前所有的设计。所有的鞋子,都秉持着精致的工艺艺术,每年都会变换主题。你可以看到菲拉格慕为玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)度身定制的标志性的七彩高跟,奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)的芭蕾舞鞋以及获得了时尚界的奥斯卡-----尼曼奖 (Neiman Marcus Award)的‘隐形的凉鞋’。无论如何,这个博物馆绝对不会让你失望。除此之外,馆内还陈列了许多复古风的物件:素描,书籍,木制的脚模,广告宣传海报以及许多其他的物件。这些物件都能够让你很好地领略这位意大利大企业家的心思。

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