Vadim Grigorian / Brand Director 瓦迪姆·葛乔治 / 品牌总监

Pernod Ricard is one of the beverage industry’s giants. The Paris-based company sells alcohol all over the world and includes such beloved brands as Absolut and Martell. While working as Marketing Director of Creativity and Luxury for six years, Vadim Grigorian promoted the brand and created its exclusive magazine Scalpal.  Grigorian, a Harvard Business School graduate, fluent in English, French and Russian now holds the title of Global Brand Director, Royal Salute. Vadim Grigorian talks to the Maker about the success of the company in China and some of his favorite products.


保乐力加是全球第二大、法国第一大葡萄酒与烈酒生产集团,总部位于巴黎,强大的销售网络覆盖全球,旗下有绝对伏特加、马爹利白兰地等烈酒品牌。Vadim Grigorian在保乐力加曾担任全球创意及奢侈品市场总监,并已经在此工作6年,他从事产品推广工作,并建立独家杂志《Scalpel》。Vadim Grigorian毕业于哈佛商学院,会讲英语、法语、俄语三种语言,现任皇家礼炮全球品牌总监。他将与《TheMaker臆想》的读者分享保乐力加在中国的成功秘诀,以及他最喜爱的保乐力加的产品。

The Maker