Dalit : Woman of Art & Citizen of World
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Israeli-French curator Dalit Lahav-Durst is a woman of many talents, tackling her different roles with an ease, worthy of genuine admiration. A multilingual specialist, between working with a broad range of artists, she finds time to co-author 15 books until now and counting, bringing her cross-cultural experiences into the literary translations of Portuguese-Brazilian literature mainly.
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Born in Sao Paolo, she later studied art history at the Sorbonne in Paris, where her career started. Lahav-Durst has worked with painters, sculptors and photographers for over twenty years in Europe and Israel, facilitating various cultural exchanges.
Tatjana Bergelt, Nainen kukissa
Tatjana Bergelt, Raffi Kaiser, Nadav Lipchitz and Ofer Lellouch are among many artists she worked with.
Ofer Lellouch, Lellouche Nude
During the past four years, Dalit has been giving the European audience an opportunity to rediscover one of the greatest French artists, curating multiple exhibitions dedicated to the sculpture of Edgar Degas.
Edgar Degas, The Little Fourteen-year-old Dancer
Several cities got the chance to host the “Edgar Degas: Figures in Motion” exhibition, including Saint Petersburg’s State Hermitage Museum, and now Dalit Lahav-Durst brought it to Asia for the first time. Le French may festival is in full swing until June, and as a special highlight MGM Art Space in Macau presents an exhibition of Degas’s sculptures never before been shown in Asia.
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Dalit L.Durst, currently a chief curator of M.T Abraham Foundation for the Visual Arts, brought to Macau this iconic exhibition, unveiling the unknown edge of a great French artist.
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Dalit Lahav-Durst, 拥有以色列和法国双重国籍的策展人,同时也是一位多才多艺的女性。她同时精通多国语言,也是游走于各个工作领域的艺术家。她先后共参与了15本书籍的创作,其中主要是将葡萄牙语巴西文学的翻译。
Edgar Degas, Figures in Motion
Raffi Kaiser, Landscape
与她公事的艺术家有Tatjana Bergelt, Raffi Kaiser, Nadav Lipchitz 和Ofer Lellouch等。
Nadav Lipchitz, NL huile s toile
在过去的四年中,她为欧洲市民带来了一场视觉盛宴,以不同的作品和展览更深入的了解埃德加·德加(Edgar Degas),一位著名的雕塑家。
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© The Maker
Dalit L. Durst,现在作为亚伯拉罕基金会视觉艺术的首席策展人,将这个标志性的展览带来澳门,冲入亚洲,同时也让更多的人了解到了更多伟大的法国艺术家及他们的作品。