Xenia Tchoumi
Xenia Tchoumi at TEDxKoeln Talk
Xenia Tchoumi breaks all the conventional perceptions, but then again how often do you encounter a beauty contests winner, who speaks six languages, holds a University degree in Science of Economics and turned her extensive media presence into a successful business?
Xenia is a Swiss-Italian personality and entrepreneur, who juggles journalism, fashion, economics and hosting her own TV show about business in Italy—all with ease and success.
Xenia Tchoumi彻底打破了世人的传统观念。一个选美比赛的冠军,会说六国语言,并拥有经济学的是学士学位,之后又成功地转型为各大媒体的焦点,这样的人,百年难遇。
Xenia 是一位具有成功的企业家,叱咤媒体、时尚和金融界,同时她也在意大利主持有关商业的电视节目,分享成功的经验。