London Swag

Day four of the London Fashion Week was a busy one with Burberry, Christopher Kane and other not-to-miss designers showing at the same day, attracting big-gun editors, star-packed front rows and buyers. 

Burberry's show, unveiled in the afternoon made quite a stir and not all credit goes to the collection itself, which top-level media branded as ‘covetable, wearable, beautiful’. Christopher Bailey’s AW2016 collection is where the wishlist starts: with a wide choice of outerwear from brand’s signature trench coat to military style cashmere overcoats, sequined party dresses, caped silk blouses and an array of jackets—the collection has everything a Burberry girl may want this season plus a man. Yes, Burberry is at forefront of change in the fashionland. As announced earlier, the brand now melds men’s and womenswear into one collection and instead of four fashion shows a year, we’ll get two. Burberry is pioneering the direct-to-consumer approach as well: the collection shown at the next London Fashion Week will be available to buy immediately after the show. 

Later on Christopher Kane served the audience a complete wardrobe collection, eccentric yet elegant with just a tint of perplexing touch. Among the decorations that popped out everywhere like floral corsages, feathers and messily arranged ribbons, there was one, particularly impossible to miss. Most models were wearing seemingly waterproof scarves, which looked exactly like plastic bags. Hard to say what kind of a mixed message this accessory is sending: a hail to granny style, trash fashion or hoarders’ aesthetics? Those who were not distracted by the bin bag hats got a chance to see brilliant knits, useful bags, refined tailoring and a fabulous case of branding.

Design duo Peter Pilotto and Christopher de Vos imagined winter in icy shades of futuristic landscapes. The very textured collection they presented boasted of memorable pieces like coats richly covered in embroidery, dreamy gowns covered in sequins and delicate knitwear to name a few. The duo also debuted a collection of jewelry with Atelier Swarovski. Beautiful tiara-like hairpins, dangling earrings and bejeweled cuffs added to the overall majestic feeling.  

伦敦时装周的第四天,Burberry, Christopher Kane等众多不容错过的品牌,都选择在今天走秀,吸引了众多买手、杂志编辑及明星的关注。

Burberry的秀场,以其在业内高端的时尚定位,在下午的亮相引起不小的轰动。Christopher Baily的AW2016秀场,更是展现了诸多风格的衣服,从标志性的风衣军事风格羊绒大衣到亮片晚礼服,斗篷丝绸上衣等,这些都是任何一个女孩想要的。Burberry的确在时尚前沿有着不可取代的地位。正如之前消息所知,Burberry将男女服饰的风格融为一体,以取代以往一年四场秀的风格。Burberry也开始直面消费者。每一场伦敦时装周走秀过后,消费者可以即刻买到那些新款。

之后上场的Christopher Kane也为观众们带来了一场视觉盛宴,都是一些凸显个性又不失优雅的衣服。对于装饰这一部分,不可错过的就是羽毛及丝带装饰。大多数走秀的模特都戴着酷似塑料袋的防水头巾。如果你对这种装饰不‘感冒’,那可以看一下那些精致剪裁又实用的箱包款式。

设计品牌 Peter Pilotte 和Christopher de Vos展现了冬天中的冰雪色彩。这次他们推出的是刺绣大衣这种非常有质感的作品,梦幻般地覆盖着亮片和静止的针织品。他们还和Swarovski合作,退出首饰专辑,如美丽的发饰、珠光宝气的耳环以及袖口,给整体的设计带来更多光彩。

The Maker