Fashion & Function : Ted Baker
Photo courtesy of Ted Baker
Fit to a T collection arrived to step up your workout wardrobe.
Imagine Ted Baker’s iconic prints applied to a streamlined active wear - that’s Fit to a T, a sports clothes collection in best traditions of athleisure. Those designer pieces are made to get you through yoga asanas and intense workouts, and you would want to walk them out of gym. Silhouette-sculpting designs infused with two main prints of collections - Oriental and Blue Lagoon, are made for a stylish workout.
Photo courtesy of Ted Baker
Fit to a T 系列帮你升级你的健身衣柜。
想像 Ted Baker 的标志性印记出现在一件流线线条的运动服上 - 那就是 Fit to a T,一个拥有最好的运动休闲传统的运动服系列。这些设计师作品帮助你完成瑜伽体式和密集的锻炼,而你会想要穿着它们走出健身房。轮廓线剪裁设计搭配该系列两种主要的标志 - Oriental 和 Blue Lagoon,专为时尚健身量身定做。
Photo courtesy of Ted Baker