Let's Talk Beauty, Honestly


When you accumulate years of on-camera experience, you understand quite a few things about beauty biz. But unlike countless star collaborations and brands, Jessica Alba went into the new business projecting a noble core belief.  Having launched Honest Beauty line, actress shooted for occupying an overexposed market with values of conscious cosmetics and skincare range which celebrate diversity of beauty. 

The Honest Beauty lines offer 17 skin care and more than 60 make up products to equip you for any occasion. The best thing? Using any given product, women would not have to compromise safety for a luxury look. All the products are free of parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrance and all of the other things no one wants in their cosmetics anymore. 

But as the rows of conscious consumers who care about the planet and what they use grow every year, new companies have a bit of a struggle to stand out. Among other safe cosmetic brands popping up everywhere, Honest Beauty has a few aces up their sleeve. As Alba shared, she was driven by the diversity of beauty: her line has products that work on a variety of skin tones. In addition, Alba got in front of education offering a series of tutorials featuring looks from “Fresh”, “Sunny” and “Darling” to “Daring” and “Chic”, which are not only up to be recreated but completely shoppable too. 

当你积累了多年摄影经验,懂一些关于美妆。但不像无数明星的合作和品牌,Jessica Alba最新的商业项目诠释了高贵的核心信念。有了Honest Beauty,女演员曝光过度的市场占领与意识的化妆品和护肤品系列庆祝多样性美的价值。

Honest Beauty系列提供适合任何场合的17个皮肤护理和60多个产品。最好的?女性就不会使用看起来奢华的不安全产品。所有产品都没有防腐剂、硫酸盐、合成香味和所有其他人们不希望添加在化妆品里的东西。

但作为有意识关心地球的消费者,他们所使用的每年增长,新的公司在竞争中脱颖而出。其他安全的化妆品品牌遍地开花,Honest Beauty有几个王牌。Alba说,美是多样性的:有适合各种肤色的产品。此外,Alba得到了在前面的教育提供一系列教程,看起来与“新鲜”,“阳光”和“亲爱的”“亲爱的”和“时尚”,这不仅是要重建,但完全“shoppable”。

The Maker