Live in Levis


Smarter, more captivating and involving: not easy is the task of brands who  communicate their story in the digital age to the media-savvy, 'seen everything' crowd. In 2014, Levi's launched their 'Live in Levi's project', which turned out to be more than a campaign. The energy, storytelling, iconic jeanswear and people celebrating the real-life moments were in the heart of it and gained much success to the company's effort of reinforcing longtime brand loyalists love and attracting new fans. 


This spring, Levi's comes back with the third part of the project, themed around creative minds and their stories. For this edition, 'We Are 501', multimedia artist Yi Zhou shares her experiences in the new Levi's campaign, together with French music producer, writer and model Caroline de Maigret and American DJ duo Classixx. Yi Zhou's video reflects a personal representation of the artist, constantly creating, drawing each day's art and style inspiration from her mood. 


在这个信息化媒体的时代,一个品牌要做到更有时效性、更具吸引力是非常难得的。2014年,Levi's 启动了‘Live in Levi's'的计划,更像是一场比拼。这个计划的核心就在于让穿着Levi's牛仔产品的人们更富有活力、更有故事性同时更有标志性。通过这项计划,品牌也成功地在保留住原有品牌忠实追捧者的同时,吸引了更多的喜爱Levi's这个品牌的人。 


今年春天,Levi's推出了这一项计划的第三阶段,主题围绕着具有创造性的人们及他们的生活。在这一季‘We Are 501' (‘我们是501’)的计划中,多媒体艺术家周依,携手法国音乐制作人、作家、模特卡洛琳梅格雷(Caroline de Maigret),还有美国音乐DJ duo Classixx一起分享了在这一计划中的心得体会。周依的视频更是体现了她作为一个艺术家,不断创造,以艺术表现出每一天的灵感与心情的个人形象。

The Maker