A Gift to MOCA

A mixed media work by Gilbert & George titled, Burning Sky World, from 1989. (MOCA)

A mixed media work by Gilbert & George titled, Burning Sky World, from 1989. (MOCA)

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles announced a significant gift of artwork.

Spring in MOCA started with a gift from collectors Alan Hergott and Curt Shepard. Twenty-two paintings and photographs expand the museum's permanent collection, introducing works by artists with recent exhibitions at MOCA: Doug Aitken, Matthew Barney, Catherine Opie to name a few. 

Hergott and Shepard have had a significant relationship with MOCA for nearly thirty years, having given roughly fourty works to date. 

Always at your service, I will have learned the exquisite power of etiquette, 1999, by Lari Pittman — part of a donation to MOCA by Curt Shepard and Alan Hergott. (MOCA)

Always at your service, I will have learned the exquisite power of etiquette, 1999, by Lari Pittman — part of a donation to MOCA by Curt Shepard and Alan Hergott. (MOCA)


今春,当代艺术博物馆开始展出来自收藏家Alan Hergott和Curt Shepard的一份礼物。22幅绘画及摄影作品丰富了博物馆的永久收藏作品集,介绍了最近在当代艺术博物馆举办展览的艺术家的作品:其中包括Doug Aitken, Matthew Barney, Catherine Opie。


Matt (CO 132), 1993, by Catherine Opie, from the Hergott, Shepard donation to MOCA. (MOCA)

Matt (CO 132), 1993, by Catherine Opie, from the Hergott, Shepard donation to MOCA. (MOCA)

The Maker