Art and War Paul Rosenberg Exhibition

The first of its kind exhibition of Picasso's art dealer is on display in Paris until July 23rd. 

Rosenberg, an early champion of Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Georges Braque, was one of the art dealers, who undeniably changed the market. His story is intertwined with a tragic history of art survival, in the period of horrific destruction—the Second World War. His granddaughter Anne Sinclair authored a book with the English title «My Grandfather's Gallery: A Family Memoir of Art and War». The ‘21 rue La Boétie’ exhibition in Musee Maillol, retraces the remarkable story of Paul Rosenberg, taking Anne Sinclair’s book as guidance.

Approximately 60 Modern masterpieces by Picasso, Léger, Braque, Matisse, Laurencin and others, some of which were never seen in France. 



Rosenberg,Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Georges Braque的早期冠军,是改变了市场规则的艺术零售商之一。他的故事交织着一段可怕的摧毁性的时期-第二次世界大战中的艺术幸存者的悲剧历史。他的孙女Anne Sinclair写了一本书,叫做«我爷爷的画廊:一个艺术和战争的家庭回忆录»。以Anne Sinclair的书做向导,在Musee Maillol举办的21 rue La Boétie’ 展览回顾了Paul Rosenberg的了不起的故事。

差不多有60件Picasso, Léger, Braque, Matisse, Laurencin和其他画家的的现代大作,其中一部分从未在法国展出。

The Maker