City Dreams: When Art and Urbanization Meet
Bodys Isek Kingelex with Étoile Rouge Congolaise in Nantes, 1993. Courtesy André Magnin, Paris; photograph by André Magnin.
MoMA presents the first full retrospective of the Congolese sculptor Bodys Isek Kingelez, a towering figure in African art world.
Bodys Isek Kingelez worked with paper, commercial packaging, and materials from everyday life to bring to life architecture in a smaller form. He transformed those mundane materials into dazzling, intricate sculptures, that he called ‘extreme maquettes’ . Looking at his works, you can’t stop the warm feeling of recognition, of something familiar, even though hailing from different times and different part of the world.
City Dreams exhibition will include works from each of the key periods of the artist’s career. From early works that were exhibited at the Centre Pompidou to the futuristic late works— the exhibition will feature more than 30 works and will be on view from May 26th until January 1st next year.
Bodys Isek Kingelez (Congolese, 1948-2015). Nippon Tower. 2005. Paper, paperboard, plastic, and other various materials, 26 3/8 × 13 3/8 × 8 11/16″ (67 × 34 × 22 cm), irreg. Courtesy Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels. Vincent Everarts Photography Brussels
现代艺术博物馆举办了刚果雕塑家Bodys Isek Kingelez的首次全面回顾展,其是非洲艺术界的杰出人物。
Bodys Isek Kingelez用纸张、商业包装以及日常生活中的材料,以一种更小的形式为带来生活建筑。 他将这些平凡的材料转化为耀眼的,错综复杂的雕塑,他称之为“极端的造型。” 即使来自不同时代和不同地区得人,但是看着他的作品,你都无法停止这种熟悉而又温暖的认知。
城市梦想展览将包括艺术家职业生涯每一个关键时期的作品。 从蓬皮杜艺术中心展出的早期作品到未来派的晚期作品,展览将展出超过30件作品,并且展览将从5月26日持续至明年1月1日。City Dreams: When Art and Urbanization Meet
Bodys Isek Kingelez (Congolese, 1948-2015). Untitled (detail). c. 1980. Paper, paperboard, and other various materials, 32 15/16 × 14 7/8 × 9 5/8″ (83.6 × 37.8 × 24.5 cm). Private collection, Paris. Photograph by Kleinefenn