MGM brings Complete Set of Degas Bronzes to Asia
What pops into your mind when you hear the name of a great French artist Edgar Degas? Famous for his paintings, drawings and prints, during his lifetime, the artist has been hiding another one of his talents—sculpture. Only one, the Little Fourteen Year Old Dancer, made it to public but the rest remained wrapped in mystery. As a highlight of Le French May, MGM Art Space in Macau presents a special exhibition entitled Figures in Motion, that unveils the inner and mysterious moments of the artist's life, captured in bronze. Seventy four pieces of sculpture never before been shown in Asia, feature the importance of movement, extraordinary postures from unique angles stilled under the master's hand.
The sculptures, originally made from wax, clay, and plaster, were cast in bronze by Albert Bartholomé after the artist’s death. If not for Bartholomé the world would not have seen the most important sculptural heritage of Edgar Degas. Curated by Dalit L.Durst of M.T Abraham Foundation for the Visual Arts, the exhibition unveils not only the unknown edge of a great French artist but allows the guests to rediscover the era of his most glorious days and Paris that he knew.
In the context of the exhibition, MGM also launches a #PlayInMOtion photoshoot with selected key opinion leaders reenacting beautiful Degas sculpture poses. Ten portraits including the one of Yi Zhou will be showcased at the MGM platforms putting an unexpected twist on the iconic artworks exhibition.
当你听到伟大的法国艺术家埃德加·德加(Edgar Degas)的名字,第一时间浮现在你脑海的是什么?这一位艺术家,以他的画作出名,但是他的一生中一直隐藏着一项更突出的才华---雕塑。仅仅一项作品,《14岁的芭蕾舞者》就已经让世间所有人惊叹不已,成为永恒的杰作。作为法国五月艺术节的亮点节目,美高梅独家赞助的《动感·印象》澳门展览,展出这位印象派大师的74件青铜雕塑。
雕塑,最初由蜡、黏土和石膏制成,由Albert Bartholome在艺术家去世之后浇铸成青铜像。如果不是他,现在的世人恐怕就很难领略埃德加·德加的创作了。主理嘉宾主持了剪彩仪式后,由M.T. Abraham Foundation的策展人Dalit L. Durst女士带领参观展览,鉴赏了姿态各异的‘马匹’、‘芭蕾舞者’及‘沐浴中的女人’的主题雕塑。