Small format, Immense Power


Lévy Gorvy to open its fall season with a group exhibition exploring vastness of infinity

On view from September 6 through October 24th, Intimate Infinite: Imagine A Journey presents the work of 27 artists. The selection of works, that includes paintings, drawings, collages, and sculptures was inspired by William Blake’s poem Auguries of Innocence.

The organizers explain, that the exhibition aims to explore how small-scale works can captivate the viewers with its power


Lévy Gorv将以一个探索无限浩瀚的集体展来揭开其秋季序幕
从9月6日到10月24日,Intimate Infinite:Imagine A Journey展示了27位艺术家的作品。 包括绘画、素描、拼贴画和雕塑,作品选择灵感来自William Blake的Auguries of Innocence。

The Maker