Children Call On Our Oceans Protection
Photo courtesy of UNESCO
UNESCO's #MyOceanPledge officially launched, see how you can help.
Photo courtesy of UNESCO
Children living in UNESCO World Heritage marine sites are calling upon the leaders of the world and everyone to protect the ocean and preserve it for all future generations. On June 8th, the World Oceans Day this year His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco was the first to sign #MyOcenPledge. The pledge was also signed by a representative from the government of Australia among other dignitaries.
UNESCO invites people from across the globe to sign the pledge digitally and show your support for the ocean.
Photo courtesy of UNESCO
Photo courtesy of UNESCO
生活在联合国教科文组织世界海洋遗产的儿童呼吁,世界各地的领导人和每个人都要保护海洋并保留给下一代人。 在6月8日,今年的世界海洋日,摩纳哥阿尔伯特二世亲王殿下首先签署了“迈阿密”协议。 澳大利亚政府的代表还与其他政要签署了这一承诺。