Revolution of Office Spaces is On the Way
Photo courtesy of Apple
Apple started moving employees to a new campus, designed by the Foster and Partners, a centerpiece of green architecture.
Silicon Valley already has changed how people around the world are working—with innovative digital products, we can’t imagine our life without anymore. The new Apple campus in Cupertino not only is a big talk of architect world, but also sparked a bigger discussion, that tech companies may be on the way to make the same revolution in how the office space is organized.
It does look like a dream working environment: massive 175-acre campus, replacing 464,000sqm of asphalt and concrete with lush green areas, a fitness center for the company’s employees, large research and development facilities, a visitors’ center and that’s not the end of it. Forster and Partners designed buildings, which will by powered by 100% renewable energy with the world’s largest rooftop solar installation. In addition, thermal control is to be provided entirely via natural ventilation means---no heating or air conditioning.
Tech companies’ employees still have desks, but they are not expected to be glued to it—instead people can work in different zones, to perform different tasks. The trend is going stronger, and might be changing the office spaces beyond Silicon Valley. The Apple Campus is designed to inspire its users, intended ‘to be the home of innovation for generations to come”, as Tim Cook shared in company’s press release.
Photo courtesy of Apple
苹果公司开始把员工移动到一个新的工作环境,由绿色建筑的领军公司Foster and Partners设计。
它看上去确实像是梦想的工作空间:175坪的园地,代替464,000平方米的柏油和钢筋结构和绿色区域,为公司员工提供的健身中心,大型研发设施,一个访客中心,而且还不仅仅是如此。Foster and Partners设计了100%由可再生能源支撑的建筑,世界上最大的屋顶太阳能板。而且温控将全部通过天然排气方式提供--没有暖气或空调。
科技公司的员工仍然使用办公桌,但他们不用死死守在办公桌前,而是人们可以在不同区域间从事不同的工作。该趋势变得越来越强盛,并且可能改变办公空间的程度远超过硅谷。正如Tim Cook在公司的新闻发布会上分享的那样,"苹果园"被设计出来激发使用者的灵感,旨在"成为未来世代的创意之源"。
Photo courtesy of Apple