Festive Korea Last Call

The festival celebrates its 7th anniversary with an array of happenings, you still have a bit of time to catch.

The festival, first launched in Hong Kong in 2011, has attracted over a million people to appreciate Korean art and culture. This year’s diverse program includes contemporary dance, music, cinema, performing arts, and food events from October 5th through November 30th. Get your fill of Korean culture at the festival, which this year hosts more than 30 events.

There’s still time to catch amazing concert with pianist Yin Chengzong & Poly U Orchestra or the pianist’s one-to-one masterclass on November 15th and 16th. Sink into the different performance “Moon-Looking Dog: I Saw the Elephant” by Daegu Contemporary Dance Company on November 26th, or go crazy at a K-Musical Roadshow the day after. There’s also visual arts, cinema and special events to save the date for.



你还有时间赶上11月15号和16号钢琴家尹成宗(Yin Chengzong)&保利乐团(Poly U Orchestra)或者钢琴大师一对一精彩音乐会。或者沉浸于11月26日的大邱当代舞蹈团(Daegu Contemporary Dance Company)带来的节目“Moon-Looking Dog: I Saw the Elephant”,再或者是一天后的K-Musical路演。还可以空出时间给视觉艺术、电影以及一些特殊活动。

The Maker