Giving with a class: Art for Life Benefit raises $1,25 million

Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation has been there for children for over the past 20 years, and their annual Art for Life Benefit is no ordinary affair. If Russell Simmons takes something upon, it is in the stars to turn remarkable. And every year star-packed private gala surprises not only with the theme, but with fundraising that directly benefits arts education and gallery programs for tens of thousands of inner-city youth. This year, themed “Back to the Future” the Foundation raised $1.25 million, a notable sum aimed to support of emerging artists and significant exposure to the arts for youth across New York City.

The honorees of 2016 Arts for Life Benefit included some loud names in media industry and beyond: from award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, CMO/CCO of BuzzFeed Frank Cooper III, to prominent TV personality Star Jones to name a few. Russell Simmons was true to himself in every detail of the evening: from inundating the room with floating white balloons for every $1000 donation made to artfully crafted cocktail offerings and all vegan menu. There’s nothing left to add except for the fact that the annual gala of the Foundation is one of the solid pillars, that keep the charity momentum going year after year.

Giving with a class: Art for Life Benefit raises $1,25 million

Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation has been there for children for over the past 20 years, and their annual Art for Life Benefit is no ordinary affair. If Russell Simmons takes something upon, it is in the stars to turn remarkable.

And every year star-packed private gala surprises not only with the theme, but with fundraising that directly benefits arts education and gallery programs for tens of thousands of inner-city youth. This year, themed “Back to the Future” the Foundation raised $1.25 million, a notable sum aimed to support of emerging artists and significant exposure to the arts for youth across New York City.

拉什博爱艺术基金会已经为孩子们成立二十年了,他们的年度艺术终身福利可不是寻常之事。Russell Siommons将此事变得如恒星引人注目。


The honorees of 2016 Arts for Life Benefit included some loud names in media industry and beyond: from award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, CMO/CCO of BuzzFeed Frank Cooper III, to prominent TV personality Star Jones to name a few. Russell Simmons was true to himself in every detail of the evening: from inundating the room with floating white balloons for every $1000 donation made to artfully crafted cocktail offerings and all vegan menu. There’s nothing left to add except for the fact that the annual gala of the Foundation is one of the solid pillars, that keep the charity momentum going year after year.

2016年“Arts for Life Benefit”获奖者包括一些媒体行业内业外响亮的名字:获奖记者Soledad O'Brien,BuzzFeed Frank Cooper III首席营销官/首席文化官,著名的电视名人Star Jones等等。Russell Simmons认真对待晚会的每一个细节:满屋子的漂浮白色气球,每1000美元的捐赠,巧妙地制作鸡尾酒和所有素食菜单。事实就是这样,基金会的年度盛典是保持慈善经久不衰的坚实支柱。

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