Italian Short Film Day 2016

For the second time Shanghai, observed the celebration of the winter solstice and joined an array of sister cities in more than 50 countries, where in the shortest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) a selection of distinguished short movies were screened on Dec 18th.

The first edition was organized by the Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée in France in 2011, and the idea has rapidly spread around the world. In collaboration with the Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio (Italian Short Film Center) the Italian Cultural Institute and Aurora Museum propose a program of recent Italian shorts of various genres and in different formats. Fiction and animation are the key features of this year’s movies, allowing a glimpse on trends and direction in the newest Italian cinema landscape.


第一届短片日由法国电影 - 动画中心在2011年发起,迅速得到欧洲各国的响应,目前全球已有50多个国家参与这项活动。意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处与震旦博物馆携手意大利短片中心(Italian Short Film Center),精选了一系列优秀的、表现手法各不相同的电影短片,让大众看到意大利年轻电影人关注的焦点,预测未来电影发展的方向。

The Maker