Au Trianon's Curious Flavors

Le Petit Trianon - Château de Versailles

Le Petit Trianon - Château de Versailles

Deep in Versailles you will a Restaurant with ten tables, ten tables with a story they want to share, a dish they want you to try and an experience you will talk for months after-this place is “Au Trianon”. Au Trianon is one of Gordon Ramsay Michelin starred eatery, and one who holds his high quality and attention to detail to the utmost importance without being pretentious or stuffy. Here, presentation and flavor profiles go hand in hand as innovation to new and excited dishes take place. Along with this, attention to detail and finesse are showcase on beautiful white plates placed on white linen-letting your eyes focus on the food alone and nothing else.

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

If you decide to visit, you should reserve well in advance, since there are only ten tables and they are open only four days a week. Although there are only ten, you will still have to pick between: sitting next to their large bay windows overlooking Versailles or at one of their high back sofa tables, which tend to form an intimate experience. While this restaurant might be small in the amount of tables they have, the dishes coming out of their kitchen are well suited and serious in flavor and appearance. Au Trianon is indeed special in not only their size but as well with their affordable priced menus. From their tasting Lunch Menu including three course meal an Amuse-bouche and a pre-dessert treat to their seven course degustation meal with an option of Wine pairing.

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Flavors and aromas play together, as ingredients play with each other to form curiously attracted dishes. Examples of such refined combinations can be seen in dishes like "Foie gras ballotine paired with smoked breast, beetroot tart and toasted bread with a touch of vanilla". Meat dishes like their "Oven roasted Lamb with asparagus and paired with confit belly and finished own au jus" and playful desserts like "Candied pineapple and coconut perfume" which elevates a humble pineapple to a new level. Here at Au Trianon, simplicity and its cousin innovation, have a stage to explore the new and the unexpected. If you feel like exploring the curious side of dining at a Michelin Starred restaurant filled with dishes with creative flavor profile, then come to Au Trianon for an unforgettable experience. 

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

深藏在凡尔赛宫后,有一家餐厅,只有十张桌子,但是每一张桌子背后都有一个独特的故事,这家餐厅的每一道美食都会让你流连忘返,这家餐厅就是’Au Trianon’。这是一家获得戈登拉姆齐米其林的星级餐厅,对于每一道工艺都要求精细、高品质,精致而不造作。在这家餐厅,每一道菜的口味和陈列都在不断地创新,带给顾客味蕾上的享受。同时,餐厅对于美的追求,还表现在了摆盘和诸多细节上。洁白的餐盘放在白色亚麻布上,这样的摆设只会让你的视线专注在盘中的食物上。

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

如果你想去’Au Trianon’一饱口福,那你必须提前预约,因为餐厅只有十张桌子,每周只开放四天。虽然只有十张桌子,你也必须要做出选择,是坐在大飘窗旁俯瞰凡尔赛宫,亦或是坐在高靠背的沙发桌旁,这都会成为一种独特的经历。虽然这家餐厅只有十桌,但是一份份菜肴都是非常精致,风味也很独特。‘Au Trianon’不仅以桌数少为特点,合理的价格也是另一优点。餐厅提供包括开胃小点和甜点的三道餐系,也提供七道餐配葡萄酒的选择。

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

香气和味道的结合,让每一道菜都更为诱人。像是‘烟熏鸡胸配甜菜饼’或是‘香草鹅肝配烤面包’这些菜肴都是非常精细的组合。像是‘烤羊肉配芦笋配秘制酱’的肉类菜,或是如‘糖菠萝配椰子汁’这样的甜点也毫不逊色。在‘Au Trianon’,简单的食材和创新的搭配,可以满足你不断探索美食。如果你也想一尝这家米其林星级餐厅充满创意的风味菜肴,那就来’Au Trianon’,相信一定会给你带来难忘的味蕾之旅。

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Photo courtesy of Trianon Palace

Global Intuition