Venice in Spring


If you are as lucky as I was, spring in Venice can be amazing - fewer tourists, brilliant sunshine for lingering in outdoor cafes, and a really local vibe. For people watching, spot The lovely Venetian 'signore' parading through the city -  totally recognizable in their elegant discreetly fashionable attire.

We were lucky enough to have a chance meeting with one of the only two female gondoliers -signora  Giorgia Boscolo. Look out for her!
It is a rare achievement to have succeeded in penetrating this bastion of maleness.

Following are a few of my favourite Venetian finds:-

Rosa Salva - La nostra azienda.jpg

First and foremost - Excellent coffee and fresh cream- filled Venetian doughnuts of several varieties can be found at one of the most traditional "pasticcerie" in Venice , ROSA SALVA. In existence since 1879, they have several establishments in the city including the St Marco area. It is definitely an address not to be missed.

For interesting spaghetti dishes and pizza with an innovative edge try 6342 A LE TOLE 30122 Venezia in the Castello area.

Ice cream is a must in Italy, even on a cooler day, so we tried VENCI which is another traditional establishment priding itself on its variety of flavours.

Another coffee place to try is MAJER  with its delectable array of exquisitely presented pastries. They have several coffee shops scattered throughout the city and have just opened a restaurant on the Giudecca island with a pristine open kitchen specialising in Venetian specialities. Check this out!

 For gracious accomodation nothing beats the grandiose Bauer Hotel just off Piazza San Marco situated a stoné's throw from the historical opera house LA FENICE  where you might be lucky enough to catch an opera if you book in advance. This is a highly recommendable experience.
The Bauer sits majestically  on the Grand Canal opposite the church of the Salute on the Guidecca. It  includes several annexes ; a spa hotel and self catering appartments .
It also  boasts a rooftop terrace for summer dining and an elegant canalside terrace for evening cocktails . Across the water by private motorboat is the Bauer Garden of Wonders which has been carefully restored to ifs 17th century splendour - perfect for summer lounging. There are weekly jazz soirees.

Back in the city for cocktails where local Venetians meet for the evening aperitivo is " Le Cafe " in  Campo  Santo .Stephano near the Academia.
Try a campari spritz for 2.50 euros accompanied by mouth watering savoury nibbles. This must be the best deal in town.  I couldn't resist going back every evening!

For the best Tiramisu in the city head towards the Rialto Bridge to " I tre Mercanti " at castello 5364 where you can see this Italian treat being prepared before your very eyes. A wide range of Italian fine food products including organic items such as Parmesan cheese can be found here too. Also at the Rialto Bridge is an amazing open air food market with a colourful  array of fruits and vegetables, fresh fish and meat products. Have your pre-lunch prosecco at  'Il Merca' , a busy local bar.

One of my best  take home souvenirs is potpourri from the Florentine St Maria Novella shop which is to be found tucked away in the San Samuele area .

The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi also situated near the Palazzo Grassi Museum in San Samuele has a programme of interesting free arts related events. I happened to visit at the time of a performance 'Models Never Talk' created by French fashion art historian Olivier Saillard. Check out the programme at -

This is my third visit to Venice in a year and I am still enchanted.
For a good serious history read, 'A History of Venice' by John Julius Norwich
For general info read The Rough Guide to Venice

Article by Claudia Barbieri


游行中仅有两位女士把自己打扮成船夫夫人,我有幸与其中一位名叫Giorgia Boscolo的女士相遇。她身上淋漓尽致地散发着非常罕见的雄性气概。


第一个不得不提的就是,绝对优秀的咖啡和新鲜的奶油。在一家名叫Rosa Salva的传统小店里,你可以找到数款富有特色的甜甜圈。这家店从1879年成立到现在,在威尼斯的很多地方都可以见到,包括圣马可地区。如果你想品尝一下富有特色的甜甜圈,这家店不容错过哦!


如果你对于意面和比萨有兴趣,可以尝试一下,这家在威尼斯的卡斯特罗区 (Castello)的店, 地址:6342 A LE TOLE 30122



另一个名叫MAJER的店也不容错过,特别是它家的咖啡和精致的点心。这家店在威尼斯有多家分店。他们也刚刚在威尼斯的得卡岛(Giudecca island)上开了一家餐厅,餐厅里以传统的开放式厨房作为布置,专门提供威尼斯的特色食物。

如果你想找一个亲民的住宿,坐落在圣马可广场的鲍尔酒店 (Bauer Hotel)必是不二之选。酒店亦离La Fenice 歌剧院不远,如果有幸的话,你可以预定门票,享受一场绝伦的歌剧。

再回到当地威尼斯人经常小聚的‘Le Café’享受一杯鸡尾酒。’Le Café’位于靠近Academia 的Campo s.Stephano。花2.5欧元,小酌一杯令人垂涎欲滴的金巴利烈酒,一定是在这个城市中最美好的事情。我忍不住想每天晚上都去那里喝一杯!

在卡斯特罗区 (Castello)的5364号,面朝利亚托桥(Rialto Bridge) 的一家店,名叫‘I tre Mercanti’,这里的提拉米苏是必试的精典。这里也提供其他各种意大利美食,还有有机的巴马干酪。同时在利亚托桥这里也有一个非常好的露天水果蔬菜市场。你也可以在一个叫‘II Merca’的当地人气小酒吧,享受一份午餐前的小点心。

分享一个我最喜欢的纪念品,是我在佛罗伦萨圣塞缪尔区(San Samuele) 的圣玛利亚店淘到的百花香。

在格拉西博物馆 (Palazzo Grassi Museum)附近的Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi,有一系列有趣的免费艺术展。我偶然有幸看到一个名叫’Models Never Talk’ 的表演,是法国时装艺术历史学家Olivier Saillard先生所创。更多节目单,可以通过以下网址查询:

如果你想更好地了解到威尼斯的历史,John Julius Norwich 的《威尼斯历史》 (A History of Venice)不容错过。
如想获取更多旅行资讯,可以参考《威尼斯指南》(The Rough Guide to Venice)。

Claudia Barbieri 所作的文章

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