Moncler Imagines Snow White's Adventures

Giambattista Valli

Giambattista Valli

Giambattista Valli’s army of fans falls not only for the amazing forms he creates, but for the sheer creative energy that seems unstoppable. The designer, who juggles his multiple collections of a namesake brand had a little something extra this season. 

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

He designed Gemme Rouge show for Moncler, unveiled at the closing day of a big catwalk season in Paris and now waiting on in fashionista’s wishlists. Valli took the audience to the snowy peaks of The Alps, which teamed not only the catwalk but his creations as well. There is nothing trans-seasonal about this collection filled with fluffy outfits and pristine white color palette with splashes of red and icy blue. The designer also added a folkloric touch with full-sleeved national peasant blouses, embroidery and sheepskin trimmings. After the summer that we await oh so much, when the cold season comes, Moncler has your adventurous mood covered. 

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

詹巴迪斯塔·瓦利 (Giambattista Valli) 广受喜爱,不仅因为他有创造性的设计,更是因为他从不间断的作品突破性。这位设计师,为其同名品牌设计了不同风格的服饰,而这一季的设计,又多了一些闪光点。

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

他为Moncler Gemme Rouge (盟可睐高级女装)设计了这一季的走秀作品,在巴黎时装秀的最后一天亮相,众多时尚达人的购物清单上不失其作品的踪影。Valli 将观众带入了阿尔卑斯山脉上那白雪皑皑的美景,与这一季的作品相呼应。这一季的衣服紧贴秋冬主题,用蓬松的衣服打造整体视觉,并采纳红色及冰蓝色两种色调加以点缀。设计师还加上了灵活运用了刺绣及羊皮花边,营造出具有民族特色的感觉。当夏日的炎热渐渐退去,Moncler的设计一定会为你在寒冷的冬季带来不同的光彩。

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

Moncler Gamme Rouge FALL 2016

The Maker