Royal Salute


Dining as a mystical experience, a sacred act almost, in surrounding of very special objects––that kind of experience Royal Salute recreated in Hong Kong. The time-honoured British whisky brand set out to celebrate the alchemical origins of both whisky and porcelain at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. Exquisite banquet with bespoke porcelain, specially made in Dehua, the home of white porcelain, designer cutlery and mystical symbols brought the distinguished guests into the era of the prominent alchemist John Dee.

Royal Salute took the inspiration from John Dee, who was a court alchemist to Queen Elizabeth I orchestrating the coronation that began her glorious reign. Over the past year, the brand launched several forward-thinking collaborations with leading British designers and artists, and Study in Porcelain became a creative and symbolic celebration of whisky's alchemic origins. The porcelain dinner will present an alchemic experience, the sensitivity of the lost art in a tour to UK, Russia and the US.

在一种特定的环境里,餐饮可以成为一种神秘而又神圣的体验,在香港的皇家礼炮(Royal Salute) 店里,你可以体会到这一种奇妙的感觉。这个历史悠久的英国威士忌品牌,在香港医学博物馆展现了它的威士忌与瓷器的发展之路。其中有定制的瓷器,其中包括白瓷鼻祖,德化瓷的创作。这些充满设计感和神秘感的器皿仿佛让观众置身于约翰·迪(John Dee)的炼金时代。

皇家礼炮的灵感来源于伊丽莎白一世时期的御用炼金士约翰·迪(John Dee)。在过去的一年里,品牌不断与英国设计师和艺术家进行具有前瞻性的合作项目,瓷器的制作也成为了其威士忌起源之后具有创造性和象征性的特色。瓷器晚宴的同时也将为来宾展现炼金术,让英国、俄罗斯和美国的来宾真正领悟到这项失传的艺术的美。

Global Intuition