The Trianon Palace 特里亚侬宫就酒店

The Trianon Palace, part of the Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts, is set on the edge of the gardens of Versailles and has been a place of historical and cultural significance since the beginning.. In 1907, Mr. Weill Martignan registered a Company called “Trianon” inspired by the nearby Louis XIV’s Grand Trianon in the gardens of Versailles. René Sergent, the architect, even customized the building’s framework to match the style of the Palace of Versailles. After the opening, the hotel quickly drew in famous figures as guests. Staying at the Trianon Palace is like spending a night at a museum, one with black and white tiled floors and chandeliers, surrounded by history and intrigue. During World War One, the Trianon Palace Hotel was used as an auxiliary hospital and after the re-opening in 1916, the hotel slowly resumed its role as a grand hotel.The 1919 Treaty of Versailles was formed there by Georges Clemenceau and the hotel became a place for royals such as the Prince Aga-Khan, Queen Elizabeth II, the King of Morocco and King Hussein of Jordan. The Trianon Palace offers classic French design with oversized windows and lush gardens, intertwining with modern innovations including a spa, indoor pool, fitness center, two tennis courts, a sundeck, and Gordon Ramsay’s two-Michelin-starred restaurant. Guest rooms include a fireplace, balcony, and a flat screen TV. The Trianon offers peace and tranquility, but is only thirty minutes away from Paris, perfect for business trips or a leisurely visit. The history, location, and ambiance is why the Trianon Palace is preferred by celebrities, politicians, and royals alike.

特里亚侬宫就酒店,隶属于华尔道夫酒店&度假村。它就设在凡尔赛花园之旁,从创建开始它便饱含历史及文化意义。1907年,Weill Martignan先生注册了一家名为“特里亚侬”的公司,而其灵感则来自于附近路易十四大道凡尔赛花园里的大特里亚侬宫。建筑师René Sergent,特地定制了建筑结构来匹配凡尔赛宫的风格。酒店开幕后,便迅速吸引了众多名人造访。住在特里亚侬酒店就像是在博物馆度过了一夜,黑白相间的瓷砖地板和枝形大吊灯,环绕着历史和神秘的气息。在第一次世界大战期间,特里亚侬酒店被用作辅助医院救助伤残病人。再于1916年重新作为酒店开张,慢慢恢复了它大酒店的本色。1919年乔治克列孟梭签立了凡尔赛条约,酒店逐渐成为皇室热衷之地,如阿加汗王子、英国女王伊丽莎白二世、摩洛哥国王和约旦侯赛因国王。特里亚侬宫运用了经典的法式设计,巨大的窗户和苍翠繁茂的花园,同时交织着现代的创新,包括水疗中心,室内泳池,健身中心,两个网球场,一个大露台,和Gordon Ramsay的米其林二星级餐厅。客房则有壁炉,阳台,和平板电视。特里亚侬宫提供了一个和平宁静的环境,但它距离巴黎只有30分钟的路程,非常适合商务旅行和休闲参观。特里亚侬宫独特的历史,地理位置和周边环境正是名人政客,皇室成员所青睐的原因。

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