Behind the Camera Harold Becker

Harold Becker

Harold Becker

A journey into movies of one photographer who discovered many young Hollywood stars-to-be.

Ragman’s Daughter, 1972

Ragman’s Daughter, 1972

Harold Becker has been in the director’s chair for decades, creating movies that engaged audience, be it a crime drama, film noir or documentary. But several decades ago, before he got into movies, Mr. Becker was a commercial photographer in New York and London. Aside from appearing in commercials, his shots got exhibited in galleries and once seeing this photographs you get why: they breathe a sort of artisanal spirit, like in the times when art was not rushed.

Perhaps the most famous of his photographs is series of abstract portraits of the female form, shot with a 1920’s camera, which Mr. Becker restored to working order. It brings the texture of the skin and the contours of the body to surreal details, revealing subtly provoking beauty.

Onion Field, 1979

Onion Field, 1979

The director once shared he had never planned a Hollywood career. First films he shot were documentaries, praised at the international film festivals, feature films followed. With movies like Ragman’s Daughter and Onion Field, Mr. Becker paved his way into the Hollywood world to stay. Some of his features like military drama TAPS introduced Sean Penn and Tom Cruise in memorable debuts, others like Sea of Love, Malice, Mercury Rising turned into a perfect background for unleashing the actor’s talents to the fullest. Update your watch list for the long weekend of nostalgic cravings with some notable 90s classics.

TAPS, 1981

TAPS, 1981


Harold Becker几十年来一直担任导演拍摄观众喜欢的电影,无论是犯罪剧、黑色电影或者纪录片。几十年前,在他进入电影界之前, Becker先生是一名商业摄影师,在纽约和伦敦工作。除了拍摄广告,他的照片也在画廊展出,看到这些照片你就知道为什么:他的作品透着一种匠人精神,有精雕细刻之感。

Sea of Love, 1989

Sea of Love, 1989

最著名的作品是用1920产的相机拍下的系列抽象女性肖像, Becker先生由此恢复工作秩序。作品中皮肤的纹理和身体的轮廓超现实的细节,展现着无与伦比的美丽。

Malice, 1993

Malice, 1993

Becker导演从来没有规划过他的好莱坞职业生涯。他的电影处女作是纪录片,在国际电影节上受到称赞。凭借电影《拾荒者之女》和《洋葱场》,贝克尔先生进入好莱坞的世界。他的一些特点,比如军事戏剧《熄灯号》介绍Sean Penn和Tom Cruise难忘的处子秀,其他类似《爱的海洋》、《恶意》、《水银蒸发令》完美展现了演员天赋。可以更新你的90年代怀旧和经典作品周末观影清单了。

Mercury Rising, 1998

Mercury Rising, 1998

The Maker