Universal Yoga Founder | Andrey Lappa
Yoga, a sense of enlightenment, relaxation and self-awareness, it has been gaining popularity around the world. Although yoga is synonymous and known through out the world, Universal Yoga is something quite different and a bit more open to finding oneself. People say that the world can be your own personal teacher. From traveling to experiencing new cultures, the world has so much to give, if you are open to learn. One can focus on any aspect of life and pursue an excellence in it, such as yoga. One individual that has done this is no other than Andrey Lappa, who is by far the most qualified and influential master and teacher in yoga. Andrey best describes Universal Yoga as that with many shells, an entity with many mysterious and different stages that an individual can practice.
For most yoga is recreational, or something done on a Wednesday after work. For Andrey it has been a way of life for almost 40 years. He first exposed to Eastern culture in 1977 in Mongolia, where he lived with his parents. There he began his practice in yoga and his curiosity grew to the point where his spiritual path began taking place. Successively, Andrey traveled and lived a long time in Eastern countries such as: Mongolia, India, Nepal, Buryatia, Serbia and others where he learned and developed new skills. As the 21st century dawn among us all, Andrey used his knowledge in computer programming and designed a set of programs for teaching yoga, this was exceptionally helpful for many of his students. Andrey is a clear example of embracing something good and healthy in life and making it something one strives for perfection. His journey is not over, and will never be, as we as constantly reminded that the world is an old teacher, and we are still its young student. We leave you with this final quote from Andrey himself "yoga is about human evolution, which can make the life of people happy, and can happen at the physical or mental level, but you need to decided this by yourself”.
Photo by Yi Zhou 周依 @yizhouofficial
瑜伽,是一种启蒙运动、放松和自我认知的意识,它已经在世界各地越来越受欢迎。瑜伽已经等同闻名于世界,而Universal Yoga的不同点是它更多地开放地寻找自我。人们说,世界可以是我们自己的老师。如果你愿意去学习,世界上有这么多的给予,让我们去体验新的文化。我们可以将注意力集中在生活的任何方面,从中追求卓越,如瑜伽。现在没有人比Andrey Lappa在这方面做得更好了,他是迄今为止最有资格和影响力的大师和瑜伽老师。Andrey给Universal Yoga做出了最好的阐述,一个人可以在许多层面练习一个有许多神秘的和不同阶段的本质。
Photo by Yi Zhou 周依 @yizhouofficial