Burberry : With or Without Bailey

Christopher Bailey

Christopher Bailey

The first show, since announcing Christopher Bailey would step down as CEO, remaining the house’s creative force.

Bailey has been Burberry’s chief creative officer more than eight years, but taking up the CEO role in addition appeared like too much on his plate. In July, the brand has announced that Marco Gobbetti will take over as CEO in 2017.  There’s no doubt about it, 2016 has been a quite revolutionary year for Burberry, with a heritage collection shown during London Fashion Week being a quintessence of changes.

Marco Gobbetti

Marco Gobbetti

Burberry joined the fashion houses pioneering the see-now, buy-now concept, showing its first instantly shoppable collection at London Fashion Week. Christopher Bailey puts the brand’s very British approach to style on display in every detail from the lavishly decorated runway to covetable items on it. The British brand made quite a revolution in the fashion world with a simple statement, that they would stop showing gender separated collections and their two shows per year would get a ‘beyond seasons’ approach.

The first collection unveiled on September 19th had all the attributes: must-haves became shoppable off the runway, women’s and menswear pieces both present. Bailey reinterpreted Elizabethan style with a modern twist in corset-looking knitwear, navy military jackets and accessories. The collection inspired by Virginia Woolf’s novel “Orlando”, about a poet who changes gender to become a woman, was quite a bold final show to close up 2016.

自从宣布Christopher Bailey将辞去首席执行官,Burberry第一场秀仍有创作力。

Bailey担任Burberry的首席创意官超过八年,但接手CEO似乎使他力不从心。七月,该品牌已宣布2017年Marco Gobbetti将接任首席执行官。毫无疑问,2016一直是Burberry相当革命性的一年,在伦敦时装周国粹的变化展示了文物收藏。

Burberry加入了“现在看到的,现在买”概念的时尚先锋,在伦敦时装周上展示它的第一个瞬间可购买系列。Christopher Bailey使品牌非常接近的英伦风格,每个细节上展示从装饰华丽的秀场到值得渴望的商品。这个英国品牌在时装界发布一个简单的声明:他们将停止发布区分性别的时装,他们的每年的两场秀将获得 “超越季节”的方法。

9月19日推出的第一个系列有着所有属性:秀场下必须可以购买,时装中性化。Bailey重新诠释了伊丽莎白风格与现代手法的融合,针织紧身胸衣、海军军事夹克和配件。灵感来自Virginia Woolf的小说《奥兰多》,关于一个诗人变性成为女人,是一个相当大胆的2016收官秀。

The Maker