Couture Confessions : Different Fashion History

Pamela Golbin

Pamela Golbin

The art of conversation and storytelling requires a special talent, but things get a tad more complex if you attempt to make a dialogue with the deceased legends of the past. It’s not about conventional biography-compiling work and has nothing to do with spiritualism if those are the references on the top of your mind. It’s all about Pamela Golbin's  ‘Couture Confessions’, a recent addition to the must-read fashion books and quite a treat.

from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'

Pamela Golbin, a renowned chief curator of the 20th –century collections, fashion and textiles at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, is beyond doubt an expert of many talents. You may say that fashion is a calling that chose her since in 1993 she became the youngest curator in France at the time. What seemed like a temporary job turned into more than twenty years of professional devotion. She curated over 30 exhibitions and authored many catalogs and books on iconic fashion legends, but her new work goes further.

from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'

In ‘Couture Confessions’ Golbin unveils a fascinating history of  20th century fashion in the own words of iconic designers from Poiret to Lanvin, Vionnet, Chanel, Dior and Schiaparelli to name a few. Based on a vast variety of archival sources, the book combines what the designers had said or written with thought-through questions into “improbable interviews”, as if the conversations really happened. The extent of the research leaves you speechless, but the ‘as if encountered fashion icons of the past’ impressions is even stronger. As first-hand account as imaginable today, the book certainly won’t let you go till the last page.

from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'

对话和讲故事的艺术需要特殊的才能,如果你试图研究亡者过去的传说,会更复杂。它不是传统的传记编写工作,与唯心论无关,即使你是唯心论者。Pamela Golbin的《时装自白》是最近的时尚必读书籍而且真的很有趣。

from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'

Pamela Golbin是20世纪巴黎装饰艺术博物馆著名资深时装策展人,得到许多专家的认可。你可能会说,是时尚选择了她,自1993年,她成为法国当时最年轻的策展人。一个临时工作变成了二十多年专业的投入。她策划了三十多个展览,撰写了许多目录和标志性时尚传奇的书籍,但是她的新工作更加深入的发展。

from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'


from 'Couture Confessions'

from 'Couture Confessions'

The Maker