Gucci’s Fairy Tale Jewels

Photo courtey of Gucci

Photo courtey of Gucci

The brand presented LE MARCHÉ DES MERVEILLES collection in a new way.

In the recent collaboration with Thai illustrator Phannapast Taychamaythakool Gucci yet again proved its track record of supporting arts and creatively adapting to the millennial era customers.

Photo courtesy of Gucci

Photo courtesy of Gucci

The illustrator created a magical illustration for the jewelry collection Le Marché des Merveilles, presented in a series of fairy tales narrating the creation of jewels and charms. You’ll find necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and hand accessories in 18 karat gold or sterling silver with precious stones and colored enamel inclusions. The feline is a central motif of the collection, along with other creatures from the deep forest in a far away land.  

Phannapast’s illustration will also turn into mini theater displays presenting the collection across selected Gucci stores.

Photo courtesy of Gucci

Photo courtesy of Gucci


在最近与泰国插画家Phannapast Taychamaythakool的合作中,Gucci又一次证明了其支持艺术并创造性地适应千禧世代消费者的轨迹记录。

Photo courtesy of Gucci

Photo courtesy of Gucci

该插画家为珠宝系列Le Marché des Merveilles创作了一个魔幻插画,呈现一系列的童话,展示珠宝的创意和魅力。其中包含项链,手镯,耳环,耳钉和18克拉金或纯银镶嵌宝石和珐琅的手部装饰品。猫科动物是该系列中重复出现的主题,另外还有其他异域森林中的动物。


Photo courtesy of Gucci

Photo courtesy of Gucci

The Maker