Rick Owens | Menswear Fall Winter 2016

Shockingly decent: what Rick Owens' fall 2016 collection is lacking?
Rick Owens consistently gives fashion shows that make everyone’s jaws drop. His spring 2016 runway, for instance, featured ‘human backpack’—female models wearing each other in various poses. Before that his male models went commando down the catwalk. His fall 2016 collection, presented on January 21st, however deceived expectations for yet another scandalous performance.  It preserved Owen’s signature aesthetic, though: layers, voluminous draping and neutral shades with a hint of post-apocalyptic flavor. 

惊人地恰好:Rick Owens的2016年秋季系列还缺少什么?
Rick Owens时装秀的一贯作风总是让每个人目瞪口呆。他的2016年春季舞台,例如,有特色的“人体双肩包”——女模特们互相背着对方摆着各种姿势。在这之前,他的男模特们变身突击队拿下展示台。他的2016年秋季系列于1月21日呈现,然而被骗的预期又一个可耻的性能。它保留着Owen标志性的审美,如:多层次,大量立体裁剪和末日后的中性色调。

The Maker