BorntoRunway | Marilove Diary | Antonio Pitagora

Antonio Pitagora

Antonio Pitagora

Q: What’s your trademark that identifies and defines your work, is it from a specific point in time of your career? When and why if so.
A: My path starts from an iconographical research of ancient door porch after a trip to Bologna here in Italy, one day a pouring rain came down and I tried to hide away with some friends under Bolognese door porch, which attracted my attention to the detail of such a marvelous and unusual element. from that moment I started photographing all the elements and places I visited.
Q: Is a creative vision always compatible with the market? Or does a designer adapts collections to market trends and responses?
A: AntPitagora Collection is based on strong elements such as prints and embroideries even in reality I have personally never worn such strong pieces, door porches have been the strongest images I have ever worn so I started creating a line of sweaters and T-shirts for personal usage, the people started asking me so I adapted them for the market and evolving them into a real totallook collection in time.
Q: Do u think modern materials will be replacing natural fibers? Do they have a precise utility?
A: As I always say, I use aery materials, technical nets, transparent fibers, tulle etc, I do a lot of alternative material research that can be easily used, thus allowing me to create overlapping and transparency layers which help me create a 3D effect.

by Marilove

Q: 标识并定义你工作的标志是什么?它是在你的职业生涯中一个特定的时间点出现的吗?如果是,什么时候和为什么这样。
A: 我是在一次去意大利博洛尼亚的旅行之后开始古老门门廊的图像学研究的,有一天下大雨,我和一些朋友试图躲在博洛尼亚的门廊底下,它的一些细节吸引了我的注意,比如一个了不起的和不寻常的元素。从那个时候起我开始拍摄我所经之处的所有元素和场所。
Q: 像这样一个创造性构想总能做到与市场兼容吗?还是设计师会适应市场发展趋势和对策来进行设计?
A: AntPitagora系列以强大的元素为基础,比如印花和刺绣,虽然现实中我本人从来没有穿过这样夸张的衣服,门廊是我曾经穿过的衣服里最夸张的图案,所以我开始创造个人穿着的线衫和T恤的系列,人们开始向我询问,所以我为适应市场,及时地将它们改变成了一个真正的完整套装系列。
Q: 你认为现代的材料会取代天然纤维吗?他们有一个相应的精确的工具吗?
A: 正如我经常说的,我用丙烯酸酯材料,技术网,透明纤维,薄纱等,我做了很多关于可容易使用的替代材料的研究,从而让我能够创造出重叠和透明层,帮助我建立一个3D效果。

by Marilove

The Maker