Building for the Future Series 2015

Emmanuel Benbihy 

Emmanuel Benbihy

We are always told to treat our bodies as temples, but what happens when we start treating our temples as bodies? With this question in mind, distinguished guests gathered to speak at Arup Associates Shanghai space on November 24th. Presented by Green Initiatives and Arup Shanghai, this speaking and networking event entitled “How Can We Realize the Dream of ‘Healthy Buildings’?” focused on the possibilities and benefits of a more subtle approach to the way we construct our urban environments.

Where architecture and urban planning once focused on appearance and logistical considerations, there has been a movement recently to pay more attention to peoples’ unconscious reactions to the spaces they are in. In other words, the effects of things like temperature, air quality and white noise. As scientists understand more about human psychology, designers have become more adept at influencing our mental and emotional wellbeing. Planners are now more than ever, attempting to determine and provide the optimum conditions needed to maximize things like the productivity and success of workers, or the feelings of shoppers inside a mall, even the happiness of residents inside an apartment building.

Venue host Arup Associates is no stranger to this topic, having has designed such renowned and iconic spaces as the Bird’s Nest in Beijing and Hong Kong Station, it was only appropriate that Founder and Principal Architect Antonio Ng was among the guest speakers. Ng offered his breadth of experiences and thoughts on “Health & Wellbeing in the built environment”. Also among the guest speakers was International Film Producer Emmanuel Benbihy, who spoke about the necessity of the media to raise the populations’ awareness of (and engagement in) urban issues. Rounding off the talks was Raefer Wallis, Founder and CEO of GIGA, who gave those in attendance his predictions for a future filled with ‘smart spaces’ that can communicate with one another, suggesting that they will someday do just that to ensure the health and wellbeing of all urban space dwellers.



会场主持奥雅纳协会对这个话题已不陌生,已经设计了享誉盛名的标志性建筑如北京的鸟巢和香港站,协会创始人兼首席建筑师 Antonio Ng 是最合适这次活动演讲嘉宾之一。Antonio Ng根据自己广泛的经验和体会提出了“健康与幸福的建筑环境”。国际电影制片人Emmanuel Benbihy也是本次演讲嘉宾之一,他探讨了通过媒体提高群体意识和参与到城市问题的必要性。给这次活动画上圆满句号的是GIGA的总裁兼首席执行官Raefer Wallis,他给在场的参与者提出他的预测——未来会充满可以相互沟通“智能空间”,他表示他们终有一天会做到确保所有的城市居民的健康和幸福。

The Maker