
This tweed and lambskin Girl Chanel bag will undoubtedly become an instant necessity in every modern woman’s wardrobe. With its effortless, classy look and incomparable craftsmanship Chanel has outdone itself with this piece. From the whimsical shirtsleeve look of the strap to the buttons down the front, Chanel looks to be drawing inspiration from the iconic suites it has been famous for since its conception, and the result is flawless. It is very difficult to find a statement bag that goes with anything, usually requiring ensembles to be based around that piece. However with this bag, available in an array of extraordinarily versatile colors and materials, all problems are void. It is an effortless blend of casual and elegant, as multifaceted as the brand itself and a must-have for this season.

Chanel itself stuns with a precision in craftsmanship rarely seen in this modern age of mass production. Just learning the techniques used to make a Chanel bag takes the artists 4 to 5 years of training and everything from the way the tweed is laid to line up, to the specifically, critically chosen pieces of skin to be used in the leather is meticulously done, assuring an impeccable, incomparable bag every time. Through this bag we can see the inspirational imagination of Karl Lagerfeld at his best, creating something undeniably unique, and beautifully classic in one fell sweep.



The Maker