Storyteller in the data-loaded age 信息过载时代的讲故事


When technology disrupts so many things, I would feel it’s our responsibility to rebuild its order up. As we migrated into a new era with scattered information and overloaded data, there’s a need to regain our appreciation of true story happening in our world. We constantly grow to consume more information than we used to be, and with explosion of various terminals and facilities, it’s even a crisis facing our humanity that we lost the ability to see what really matters. Storytelling, somehow, could save us from this nihilism.

Everyone has the potential to be a storyteller on their own, and we all can add meanings to all the randomness emerging every day. A great story, regardless of formats, could beat against time and last eternally. A great story can be a film arousing authentic emotions, or an exquisite fashion show liberalizing free spirits, or a vintage-style magazine curating the elegant and intelligent articles. A great story could help us navigate our direction ahead, awakening from mists of chaotic data.

To be a storyteller, one needs to stay vulnerable and authentic. Vulnerability could help us know who we really are, thus positioning our relation with the outside world. It makes us always stay in awe of the world we live in, and uncover our most inner empathy. In the process of learning to be a storyteller, we are able to connect dots, as well as rediscover universal humanity residing in ourselves. Every story is data with souls. It connects us with our inner self, and help us embrace the world.

Ellen C




Ellen C

The Maker