The Wine Review: Experiencing Classics


The Argentiera Doc Bolgheri Superiore hails from a land of long history and wealth, Tenuta Argentiera. Argentiera is derivation of the word silver, argento, and was mined by the ancient Etruscans. Although the people and the culture have changed, the land still provides wealth for its inhabitants. The Doc Bolgheri Superiore will continue to carry on the legacy of the land as well as being the symbol of greater future prospects for those who drink it.

阿真提拉·顶级宝格丽Argentiera Doc Bolgheri Superiore源自富饶而历史悠久的藤如特阿真提拉酒庄(Tenuta Argentiera)。Argentiera是argento(银)的衍生词,概因此处为古代伊特鲁里亚人的采矿区。虽然文化已改,物是人非,但是这片土地仍旧滋养着这里的居民。Doc Bolgheri Superiore将继续传承这片土地的遗产,并将作为未来美好愿景的标志,永驻饮者心中。

Castiglion del Bosco’s Brunello di Montalcino is described as a wine of “complexity, superb structure, and an inviting, mouthfilling palate.” Brunello is a red wine made in the Montalcino area dating back to early 14th century and by the end of World War II, it gained the reputation as one of Italy’s rarest wines. Ruby red in color, the aromas are expressive and reminiscent of flowers, cherries, and spices, classic to Sangiovese.

意大利托斯卡纳酒庄Brunello di Montalcino葡萄酒被如此形容“复杂,华丽的口味,口感诱人,醇厚”。Brunello是一款产于蒙塔奇诺地区,可以追溯到14世纪二战结束时期的红酒。它获得了意大利最罕见红酒的荣誉,红宝石的颜色,香气扑鼻,融合着花,樱桃,香料的气息,堪称桑娇维塞中的经典。

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