Warhol's Farewell Artwork Reimagined

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Calvin Klein introduced a site-specific installation, reimagining Andy Warhol's Silver Clouds.

Calvin Klein's unique, ongoing partnership with The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts turned a new chapter. The brand reimagined Silver Clouds as site-specific installation for its flagship store on Madison Avenue. 

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

First installed in 1966, Andy Warhol's Silver Clouds was initially conceived as a farewell to the artist's painting career, when he dedicated himself to making movies. The artwork blurred the traditional boundaries of the relationship between the viewer and an art piece,becoming a watershed moment of modern art. 

The installation on Madison Avenue recreated Silver Clouds with a modern twist---images found in the Spring 2018 Calvin Llein runway collection incorporated to the artwork.The installation makes visiting a flagship store a combined fashion and art experience, in best traditions of Calvin Klein brand.

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Calvin Klein介绍了一个特定于站点的安装程序,重新设计了Andy Warhol的Silver Clouds(银云)。

Calvin Klein因与安迪·沃霍尔视觉艺术基金会的合作开创了一个新的篇章。品牌重新设计银云,作为其位于麦迪逊大道的旗舰店的具体现场安装。

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein

Photo courtesy of Calvin Klein


在麦迪逊大道上的装置用现代的扭动再现了银云---2018年春季Calvin Llein跑道集合中的图像融入到了艺术品中。该装置使参观旗舰店成为时尚和艺术结合的体验,是CK的最佳传统。

The Maker