100 Actions for the Future City
Photo: Iwan Baan
Courtesy of New Museum
The New Museum announced the schedule for upcoming IdeasCity in New York.
The free and public event of the New Museum’s initiative will be a day long investigation of strategies, ideas, and propositions at Sara D.Roosevelt Park on September 16th.
The modular structure designed by Thomas Lommée and Christiane Hoegner/OpenStructures will help to divide the space into areas for presentations, discussions, and exchanges.
The main action is scheduled on the Forum Stage, where, among others, Tania Bruguera will make a presentation on migration as civic intervention, David Byrne will talk about ‘Reasons to be Cheerful’, Rick Lowe and Kemi Llesanmi will explore community building, and Mei Chin will present his most recent work.
Echoing the program on the Forum Stage, a series of workshops and panel discussions will be held on-site. Conversation on food and social justice, workshops on urban activism, debates and presentations are in the program.
新博物馆所举办的公开免费的活动是于9月16日在Sara D.Roosevelt公园进行为期一天的战略,想法和主张调查。
由Thomas Lommee和Christiane Hoegner / openstructure设计的模块化结构将有助于将空间划分为演示、讨论和交流等区域。
主要的活动安排在论坛阶段,其中,Tania Bruguera将作为公民干预介绍移民问题,David Byrne将讨论“快乐的理由”,Rick Lowe和Kemi Llesanmi将探索社区建设以及Mei Chin将介绍他最近的作品。