Art Doesn’t Need Another Hero
Curator Gabi Ngcobo (second from left) with her curatorial team. Team der 10. Berlin Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst, v. l. From left to right: Thiago de Paula Souza, Gabi Ngcobo, Nomaduma Rosa Masilela, Yvette Mutumba, and Moses Serubiri. Photo by F. Anthea Schaap.
At least, Berlin Biennale believes so, showcasing artworks of 47 artists under this year’s theme “We don’t need another hero”
Curated by Gabi Ngcobo, this year’s edition of Berlin Biennale celebrates its tenth anniversary and will take over Berlin from June 9th to September 9th at various venues in Berlin. The Biennale in Berlin, a city in dialogue with the world, is a major world forum for contemporary art. This year’s edition of the Berlin Biennale is smaller compared to previously featured 120 participants but seems to showcase works of a more varied group of artists.
The works of participants will be on view at four exhibition venues: Akademie der Künste at Hanseatenweg, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Volksbühne Pavilion, and ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics. In coproduction with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, HAU2 serves as a site for two performances (June 15 and 16, 2018) and a temporary exhibition (June 9 and 10 as well as June 13 through June 16, 2018). Tickets can be purchased online and you can enjoy the exhibitions Wednesday through Monday from 11 to 7 pm, with extended two hours on Thursday and Tuesday off.
In addition, the mediation team for the 10th Berlin Biennale will create opportunities for diverse audiences to approach contemporary art through collective discussions, engaging visitors in dialogue for the deeper artistic experience.
ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics, ©ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics, 2017
至少,柏林双年展(Berlin Biennale)是这样认为的,在今年的主题“我们不需要另一个英雄”(We don’t need another hero)的主题下,展出了47位艺术家的作品。
由Gabi Ngcobo策划,今年的柏林双年展将庆祝其十周年,并将于6月9日至9月9日登录柏林的各个场馆。柏林双年展,一个与世界对话的城市,也是当代艺术的主要世界论坛。与之前的120位参展者相比,今年柏林双年展的规模小一些,但是展示了更多样化的艺术家群体的作品。
参展者的作品将在4个展览场地展出:分别是Hanseatenweg的Akademie der Kunste、KW当代艺术学院、Volksbuhne馆和ZK/U -艺术与城市艺术中心。HAU2与HAU Hebbel am Ufer合作有两场展览(2018年6月15日和16日)以及临时展览(6月9日和10日以及6月13日至2018年6月16日)。门票可以在网上购买,您可以在周一到周三上午11时至晚上7时参观这些展览,周二和周四的展览时间会延长两个小时。
© 10th Berlin Biennale.