Brussels Shakes Up Gallery Scene

A few days ago an anniversary 35th edition of Art Brussels wrapped up, one of Europe's original and most established fairs. 

Contemporary since 1968 - it's not an overstatement for Art Brussels to make, but a reality to be proud of. With more than 200 art fairs happening every year around the world, the pressure for each fair to stand out is high. The stakes are even higher in Brussels, known for its special microclimate for contemporary art and stiff competition - Independent Brussels, a hipper 'anti - fair' happening at the same time. 

This year, Art Brussels brought together 145 exhibitors, encouraging them to play with the element of surprise by presenting either new work or undervalued historical work in several different sections: discovery, prime, rediscovery and solo presentations. Works of Michelangelo Pistoletto, Marina Abramović, Paul McCarthy, Pascal Convert, Thom Puckey were on display among many others. 


自1968年到当代 - 这对艺术布鲁塞尔来说不是言过其实,而是值得骄傲的事实。全球每年举办超过200场展会,对每个展会来说,要出彩的压力是巨大的。因其对于当代艺术和激烈竞争所产生的特殊的小气候,布鲁塞尔就更是如此 - 独立的布鲁塞尔,一个 "反对展会" 运动也同时在发生。

今年,艺术布鲁塞尔聚集了145位参展人,鼓励他们通过展示新作或被低估的历史作品来呈现惊喜元素,几个不同的板块包括:发现,鼎盛时期,再发现和个人呈现。Michelangelo Pistoletto, Marina Abramović, Paul McCarthy, Pascal Convert, Thom Puckey 的作品也同众多参展作品一起展出。

The Maker