Why Pictures Now

MoMA puts the provocative career of Louise Lawler under the first major survey, exploring artist's 40 years of creative output in image production and institutional critique.

Lawler's signature style was established in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and she's been asking the questions about the value, meaning, and use of art since then. Her practice offers an unconventional analysis of the strategies, that inform art's production and reception. The artist's work is changing in the context of time, as she continuously revisits her pictures by transferring them to different formats. She calls it 'adjusted to fit'.  

The exhibition Why Pictures Now is the first major survey of Lawler's work in New York, on te view from April 30th to July 30th. Prepare to ask questions and possibly find answers to why the artist is making pictures, forming particular moments into a still remembrance. 

MoMa为 Louise Lawler 具有挑衅性的事业生涯举办展览,探索这位艺术家40年来在影像出品和体制批判上的创造产出。


展览Why Pictures Now是第一次在纽约对Lawler的作品进行展出,开展期间从4月30日至7月30日。准备好问问题,并且你很有可能会找到为什么这位艺术家创造图片,将特定瞬间融入静止的记忆之中的答案。

The Maker